
Braque \ dominoes

client \ academic

timeframe \ 2 weeks (fall 2013)

challenge \ reinvent the traditional game of dominoes

components \ domino bases, pips, die, packaging

My solution to a new game of dominoes was to remove the fundamental components: the pips (dots), and the uniform backside or bottom for each piece. This shifts the importance from the pieces to the player, and more specifically the strategy they choose to invoke. I formed a completely new set of rules for gameplay that account for this freedom in choosing how many pips are played on each blank domino base. My main objective thus became turning the traditional game of dominoes into a more strategic game where playing defensively becomes key. From a visual standpoint, I was drawn to abstract, deconstructed elements that mirrored the conceptual abstraction and deconstructed gameplay. The multi-planed surfaces that back each base are unique and allow for a dynamic, low-relief form with endless vanishing points to evolve as play progresses. Obviously influenced by Cubism, I named my game after one of the founders of the movement, Georges Braque.

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